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About Healthtech

Dive into the Healthcare Technology Association Resource Directory. The Directory covers five main categories.

Collections are resources that link to further lists, resources, and curriculums to dive deep into particular healthtech subjects. Companies & Organisations are resources attributed to healthtech companies. Communities are healthtech and medtech member associations that serve parallel to us here at HTA. Education & Learning are our curated learning resources to dive into wide-ranging healthtech topics. News & Publications are some of our favourite blogs, publications, and newsletter to keep up with the latest in healthtech.

No affiliate or referral links are present. HTA Resource Directory listings are posted under fair use.

Inspiration 09
Accenture HealthTech Innovation
Education & Learning
Inspiration 09
Allen & Overy Life Sciences
Companies & Organisations
Inspiration 09
Amazon AWS HealthTech
Companies & Organisations
Inspiration 09
American Medical Informatics
Association (AMIA)
Inspiration 09
Andreesen Horowitz -
HealthTech Show your Magic
News & Publications
Inspiration 09
Auckland Bioengineering Institute
Education & Learning
Inspiration 09
BCG Healthcare
Education & Learning
Inspiration 09
Biomedical & Industrial
Engineering: Crash Course
Engineering #6
Education & Learning
Inspiration 08
BNZ Health Sector Insight
Report 2022
News & Publications
Inspiration 04
Callaghan Innovation
Health Technology
Companies & Organisations
Inspiration 09
Canadian Healthcare Technology
News & Publications
Inspiration 09
CDW HealthTech Magazine
News & Publications
Inspiration 09
CodeRX. Tech Pharmacy
Inspiration 09
Columbia Machine
Learning for Healthcare
Inspiration 09
Consortium for Medical
Device Technologies (CMDT)
Inspiration 09
Coursera Healthcare
Technology Courses
Education & Learning
Inspiration 09
Dealroom - Top VCs in
News & Publications
Inspiration 09
Deloitte - Trends in
health tech investments
News & Publications
Inspiration 09
Digital Health
Inspiration 09
Digital Medicine Society
Inspiration 09
DLA Piper Life
Sciences Insights
News & Publications
Inspiration 09
Douglas Pharmaceuticals
Companies & Organisations
Inspiration 09
Feedly Healthcare
Technology Feeds
News & Publications
Inspiration 09
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Annual Report 2023
News & Publications
Inspiration 09
Fisher & Paykel
Healthcare Sustainability
Companies & Organisations
Inspiration 09
Google Growth Academy:
AI for Health
Education & Learning
Inspiration 09
Google Tech
Dev Guide
Education & Learning
Inspiration 03
Health Informatics
New Zealand (HiNZ)
Inspiration 09
Health API Guy
News & Publications
Inspiration 09
Health NZ Innovation Hub
Inspiration 09
Activating New Zealand
HealthTech Report 2021
News & Publications
Inspiration 09
i3 Waitemata Institute
for Innovation +
Companies & Organisations
Inspiration 09
IAPP HealthTech Privacy
Education & Learning
Inspiration 09
Keltie’s Digest -
HealthTech Insights
News & Publications
Inspiration 02
Learn Applied AI
for HealthTech, from Stanford
Education & Learning
Inspiration 06
Learn Health Informatics
& Data Science from edX
Education & Learning
Inspiration 01
Learn Pharmaceutical and
Medical Device Innovation
Education & Learning
Inspiration 01
McKinsey Life Sciences Insights
News & Publications
Inspiration 09
Medical Technology
Association NZ
Inspiration 09
Medsider Podcast: Learn from
MedTech and HealthTech Experts
Education & Learning
Inspiration 09
The Medical Futurist
News & Publications
Inspiration 09
National Institute for
Healthcare Innovation
Companies & Organisations
Inspiration 09
MIT Open Courseware
Health Engineering
Education & Learning
Inspiration 09
New Zealand Association
of Clinical Research
Inspiration 09
New Zealand HealthTech Week
Inspiration 09
New Zealand Institute of
Healthcare Engineering
Inspiration 09
Inspiration 09
NZTech New Zealand Tech
and Innovation Story
News & Publications
Inspiration 09
Orion Health Resources
Education & Learning
Inspiration 05
Publicly Listed
HealthTech Companies
Companies & Organisations
Inspiration 09
Spark Health
Companies & Organisations
Inspiration 09
Talking HealthTech
News & Publications
Inspiration 09
Te Papa Hauora
Inspiration 09
TechCrunch HealthTech
News & Publications
Inspiration 09
Uniservices Innovation
News & Publications
Inspiration 09
Uniservices IP &
Innovation Resources
Education & Learning
Inspiration 09
University of Auckland Medical
Device Study Options
Education & Learning
Inspiration 09
Unlocking the Potential of Technology to
Support Health (Google, 2022)
News & Publications
Inspiration 09
Women in HealthTech

Become a member of our HealthTech community

For current University students interested in entering the HealthTech sector.
Join as a Student Member
Membership includes:
  • Connect with experienced HealthTech professionals
  • Priority access to new Resource Directory updates
  • Fulfilling networking and mentorship opportunities
  • Targeted HealthTech Sector updates
  • Insights into the opportunities and facets in HealthTech
For individuals or organisations working in the HealthTech sector.
Join as a Professional Member
Membership includes:
  • Connections with Students working on the bleeding edge of HealthTech
  • Prioritised Resource Directory applications
  • Fulfilling networking and mentorship opportunities
  • Targeted HealthTech sector updates
  • Insights into HealthTech innovations from our student membership

Questions and answers

What is Healthcare Technology Association, and who runs it?

HTA aims to position itself as a key connector between students and the healthcare technology sector, as well as research faculty at the university, and prepare students with resources that can enrich their journey into the HealthTech sector. HTA is a student-run club operated out of Waipapa Taumata Rau, The University of Auckland, in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Is membership really free? How!?!

As a University of Auckland Club, we get funding from the University to fund what we do. We also have a team of students who volunteer their valuable time and expertise to run HTA. As clubs are non-profit University organisations, we are always open to sponsorships if they align with our mission and values, so feel free to reach out!

Why have you made the Resource Directory free to access?

One of the key barriers to HealthTech resources is both actual accessibility (fragmentation of resources across the internet) and financial accessibility (organisations charging prohibitive sums for access to their resource directories). As enablers of students' HealthTech career journeys, we're driven to eliminate both of those barriers and enable open access to these resources.

I've found a resource that I think is suitable for the Resource Directory - how can I apply to get it added?

We're always keen to find hidden resources that can accelerate students' journey into the HealthTech industry. Whether you've found a company or resource you think we should know about, or think we should add an entry you're affiliated with — contact us and let us know.

I'm not currently studying in an area associated with HealthTech, can I still join as a student member?

Absolutely, we're always keen to find new and unique ways for people with non-traditional backgrounds (i.e., Arts, Law, Commerce, Architecture etc.) to enter the HealthTech sector. You'd be surprised what opportunities arise in HealthTech, and how sought-after non-HealthTech related backgrounds are in HealthTech. Go for it!

I'm no longer a student, but I'm keen to stay in touch. How can I switch my membership from a Student Membership to a Professional Membership?

We're stoked that you're keen to stay on board. Switching your membership is super easy, just send us a quick message at healthtechhta@gmail.com with your request and we'll update our records.

Become a member of our HealthTech community